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Welcome to NCMPR's 2024 Paragon Awards!
The Paragon Awards, sponsored by the National Council for Marketing & Public Relations, recognize outstanding acievement in design and communication at community and technical colleges. It’s the only national competition of its kind that honors excellence exclusively among marketing and public relations professionals at two-year colleges.
NOTE: If you have not submitted entries for Medallion and/or Paragon Awards before in the Open Water platform, you will need to create an account. NCMPR's member portal is not tied to the Open Water platform.
Nov. 20: Early Bird
Dec. 2: Regular
All entries must be UPLOADED by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on those dates.
SPECIAL NOTE: Mail-in entires will not required for 2024 Paragons. All categories will be judged online.
NCMPR Members
Early Bird: $50 per entry (for entries submitted on or before Nov. 20)
NOTE: To lock in the early-bird rate, payment must be processed on or before Nov. 20.
Regular: $65 (for entries submitted after Nov. 20)
$100 per entry
- The creative concept must have originated from a community or technical college or district or state governing organization for two-year colleges. Project execution may be the result of collaboration with an outside agency. Entries may not be submitted through an ad agency; make submissions through a college, district or state governing association only.
- Entries must have been published, broadcast, displayed and used between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024.
- Entries must be new designs or publications in the entry year; those that represent previously submitted work with minor modifications will be disqualified.
- Entries must be original, creative work without the use of templates that can be customized for individual college use.
- A contestant may submit as many entries in each category as desired. The same entry may not be submitted in two separate categories except as noted.
- It is highly recommended that any entry submission that includes a video should include closed captioning. Including this feature will make for a more accessible video experience.
NCMPR carefully screens each entry and reserves the right to make adjustments determined to be in the best interest of those submitting entries and in accordance with the contest rules. Please be sure your entries meet all category requirements. Entries that do not meet requirements may be disqualified. Sorry, but fees will not be refunded.
Judging for the Paragon Awards is done by industry experts — those in marketing, public relations and communication outside of community colleges (not NCMPR member-peers).
Gold, silver and bronze awards will be given in each category. No ties will be awarded. Award winners will receive a Paragon award inscribed with the school’s name and category. Colleges will not receive awards until entry fees are paid in full. Additional copies of awards may be available for purchase separately after district conference.
Winners will be announced at the 2025 national conference, March 26-28, in New Orleans, Louisiana. The winners will be notified in early January if they have placed in one of the top three spots.
CONTACT THE NATIONAL OFFICE at (505) 349-0500 if you have questions about acceptable formats for entries and/or placement in specific categories.
NOTE: NCMPR District Medallion Award entries and winners do not become automatic entries in the Paragon Awards. All Paragon entries require separate entry forms and fees. If you submitted entries in this year’s Medallion competition, you may select which ones to transfer to the Paragons. For details, refer to the submission instructions page.
* If you are not a member of NCMPR or do not find your college in the drop-down list, contact the national office at (505) 349-0500.